The Bronx Heroes Comic Con® is designed to serve three communities: Bronx residents established Bronx comic book artists, and aspiring Bronx artists/writers. Andrew Freedman Home will lease the space to Bronx HeroesComicCon® (BXHCC) for one day in exchange for a portion based on vendor sales. BXHCC provides Bronx artists a forum to interact with the Bronx community that inspires and influences their art. This makes it possible for independent artists in the Bronx to promote their original self-published work. It also gives an opportunity for emerging comic book authors and artists to engage with professionals in the comic industry. Some our special guests from last years event included, Bronx and NJ based comic publishers Mas Media Studios, Mocca (Museum of Comics and Cartoon Art) Trustee, Danny Fingeroth, who is also former writer/ editor of Spider-man, Former resident of the Bronx River projects and former Marvel Comics Editor and now Publisher of Papercutz, Jim Salicrup. Artist, Paris Cullins, writer Gary Cohn, creators of the Blue Devil for DC comics, Alitha E. Martinez, artist of Iron man and Archie comics New Crusaders, N. Steven Harris artist on Batman, Voltron and Brotherhood of the Fringe, and Daxiong, international Manga artist, who was exiled from China for his beliefs in Falun Dafa.