The Bronx Council on the Arts is having a series of community workshops on writing poetry in the form of memoirs. It is at the Poe Park Visitor Center by the Poe Cottage at 2640 Grand Concourse by E. Kingsbridge Road. It is led by Ms. Peggy Robles-Alvarado, who is a NYC educator. There was a bit of a spooky Halloween theme with thoughts of Poe's poem "The Raven" and its tag line "Never more." In these 4 workshops "Beyond The Raven: Writing Narrative Poems of Bronx People, Places and Purpose," Robles-Alvarado explores narrative poems of contemporary poets, and has workshop attendees write about their life, and community. The first workshop was on Oct. 19 at 11 a.m. and they will continue through Nove. 16th on Saturdays, except for November 2nd. Attendees can be selected to have their poems published in this year's Bronx Memoir Project Volume IV Anthology, if they attend at least 3 out of 4 workshops. The enthusiastic crowd was in the shadow of the great Edgar Allen Poe, and his dark poems like "The Raven" and "The Bells" about life, love, and loss. Peggy explains that there are different poetry genres, and a person doesn't have to have a disastrous experience to write poetry. Poets can write about their family, their community, or what they want to keep a secret but then covertly blurt out to the whole world.
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