On The Frontline’s Grounding the Movement: will consist of two cohorts of participants who will partake in a 6 week program from April to May of 2015 and October to November 2015. The program will combine writing, climate change education and the art of growing food in The South Bronx. The South Bronx is at the Frontline's; a place that over 160,000 people (Census Reporter, 2014) call home and are threatened daily by environmental challenges from poor air quality of being a “flood prone” area (Rebuild by Design, 2014). In light of the challenges and to contribute to the grassroots efforts already underway in the South Bronx this program will create a weekly meeting place in the Kelly Street Garden that will encourage alliance-building for a young generation of people, ages 15 to 26 years and local activist who live or work in the Longwood-Hunts Point area via a semi-structured space in which independent artist Rosalba Lopez Ramirez will facilitate a group dialogue and writing group to address our relationships with the physical environment in a time of climate change, rising sea levels, pollution and displaced peoples.