Through 10 workshops taught by film industry professionals, participants ages 13 and up from the Mott Haven community will learn to direct, shoot and edit their own short documentaries. The project is inspired by the hit TV show "MTV Cribs," in which celebrities gave intimate, campy tours of their homes and lifestyles. Midway through "SOUTH BRONX CRIBS: Mott Haven Home Movies," participants will partner up and shoot their own short "episodes" of "Cribs," using their homes—and the objects, histories, and people inside them—as material. The project will culminate in an exhibition at BronxArtSpace this December, in which participants' final videos are screened. The videos will also be edited together into a longer form DVD, and stills from the projects will be edited together with interviews and transcripts to form a short book. "Mott Haven Home Movies" will critically and playfully explore contemporary models of ownership, self-representation, and "home."