Beverly Lopez is a Bronx native dancer, choreographer and educator. She is the founding Artistic Director of REDi Dance Company, which comprises a professional adult dance-theater company as well as educational programming, notably the Dance Bridge Workshop for Bronx youth. Beverly earned a BFA in Multimedia Performing Arts at CUNY Lehman College. She continues to build her community with an urgency to form healing connections and supportive platforms for BIPOC artists. She worked as the Dance Education Associate at the AATT Academy at BAAD!, and as the Program Manager for Daniel Fetecua Production's youth program at iD Studio Theater. She currently works as a teaching artist at the DreamYard Project and Pentacle.
Beverly’s contemporary dance work fuses a variety of social dance forms, including House, Bachata, and Salsa. She most recently debuted her latest live work, “Mientras Tanto” and concept video, “Bloom”, with the ongoing support of the arts collective Dancing La Botanica: La Tierra Vive, produced by Pepatián Bronx. Beverly choreographed the play Electricidad (2018), by Luis Alfaro, at Lehman College and A Grave is Given Supper (2021), by Mike Soto, at New Ohio Theatre, both under the direction of Claudia Acosta. She has presented work at Dixon Place, Groundswell Series, Bronx Artists Now 2020/2021 APAP showcase, Triskelion Arts, Mark Morris Dance Center, Oberia Dempsey Theater, and BAAD! ASS Women Festival. Beverly has performed in dance works by Beatrice Capote, Sekou McMiller, Luis Salgado, Leah Tubbs and Desiree Godsell.