Featured Artwork: Optic Nerve by Abigail DeVille.
Against the Grain: The Stories We Tell Ourselves is a group exhibition bringing together work from contemporary artists who challenge and explore the complicated nature of record creation in the contexts of both institutional archives and the emotional preservation of memory. The exhibition's artists explore the notions of the body as an archive, the emotional monuments of domestic spaces and inherited history, and how we connect the disparate dots of memories and world events to best fit the narratives of The Stories We Tell Ourselves.
Dana Notine
Karewith Casas | Yan Cynthia Chen | Abigail DeVille | Kathleen Granados | Peter Hoffmeister | Topher Lineberry | E. Lombardo | Emily Shanahan | Bryan Zanisnik
Opening Reception: Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Public Program: Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Closing Reception: Wednesday, February 21, 2024, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Featured Artworks: "Bulletproof Tierra del Sol," 2023, and "Estados Dorados Alterados," 2023, by Karewith Casas
Featured Artworks: "Measures of Proximity," 2021, by Yan Cynthia Chen (foreground), and "Midnight," 2023 (background), by Abigail DeVille
Featured Artwork: "Optic Nerve," 2023, by Abigail DeVille
Featured Artwork: "Quality Control (Gravity Check)," 2023, by Peter Hoffmeister
Featured Artwork: "Citrus and Lavender," 2022, by Yan Cynthia Chen
Group photo of curator, Dana Notine, Longwood Art Gallery Director, Lucia Warck-Meister, and featured artists (from left to right: E. Lombardo, Kathleen Granados, Bryan Zanisnik, Emily Shanahan, and Peter Hoffmeister
Featured Artwork: "…mientras las abejas dormían, el colibrí cantó su oda…," 2023, by Karewith Casas
Featured Artwork: "Remembrance of Things Past," 2006, by Bryan Zanisnik
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