I plan to present eight concerts - each one at a separate neighborhood senior citizens center in the Bronx. The music will consist of light jazz, classic pop music (old school), love ballads, Broadway show tunes, R&B, and blues. The music will be provided by a singer-actress, a pianist, a bassist, and a drummer percussionist. I will use highly trained senior or veteran musicians. Each concert will be presented at a different site which will eliminate the need for complicated traveling arrangements. The centers already have a captive audience with accommodations for the handicapped. However, all concerts will be open to the general public, as well. Each concert will last approximately one hour - one hour twenty minutes and will be projected to begin in the late spring/early summer when the weather is warmer and more conducive to senior mobility and attendance. All concerts will be free. These concerts will bring happiness, contentment, and cultural fulfillment to a population that is very limited in its ability to attend and experience qualitative concerts. The seniors will be able to look forward to future concerts of enjoyable, enlightening music that they have heard and cherished all of their lives. This will perpetuate the arts in that they will tell their children, grandchildren, other relatives, neighbors, and friends about these events. Word of mouth is excellent publicity and seniors love to have good things to talk about.