Advocate Programs

Be Featured on BCA’s Bronx Cultural Assets Map (CAM)

BCA's Bronx Cultural Assets Map (CAM) seeks to highlight the borough’s cultural assets – from arts and culture institutions and organizations to individual artists and collectives. If you are an artist or an arts and culture organization in The Bronx, don’t miss the opportunity to be featured on the Map. 

Individual Artist Survey      Organization Survey


The Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA) advocates for cultural equity and inclusion, and envisions a world in which all people have creative agency, as well as knowledge of and access to the arts. BCA works to eliminate barriers and increase access to the arts in The Bronx by supporting and building the capacity of artists and arts organizations, and connecting institutions and communities.

To forward our advocacy efforts, BCA partners with other organizations, and engages in advocacy campaigns with partners to advance increased support for the arts at the borough, city, state, and federal levels.

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Cultural Assets Map

The Cultural Assets Map is an interactive map of the borough’s cultural assets, along with key information on demographics, development plans, community portraits, and oral histories. The goal of this project is to empower artists with accurate, current information, and to allow for the preservation of cherished cultural assets, among other uses.  While the goal of the project is to capture cultural assets for the whole of the Bronx, we began by focusing on the South Bronx, particularly Community Boards 1, 2, 4, 9, and 10, where most of the changes to the cultural landscape are taking place. 

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Cultural History Map

The BCA Cultural History Map is an interactive tool that will capture and highlight local cultural assets using GIS mapping technology and embedded media (oral histories and images). This useful mapping tool engages the community through interviews with community members, artists, and leaders of local cultural institutions. BCA has begun by focusing on selected areas of the South Bronx and the southeast Bronx, particularly Community Boards 1, 2, 4, 9, and 10. In the future, and as resources become available, we envision growing the scope of the project to cover the whole of the Bronx. The Culture History Map will become a tool that will not only lock-in and preserve the treasures of the past but will educate future generations to come.

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Convenings & Partnerships

We strive to form collaborations and working partnerships with organizations in The Bronx and beyond through a series of approaches, including offering our space for presentations, bringing talent from diverse organizations, offering workshops at diverse spaces across the city, and more.

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