NYSCA has entered into a new partnership with the New York State Office for the Aging - New York State Creative Aging Initiative. This initiative, administered by Lifetime Arts (www.Lifetimearts.org), takes an innovative, evidence-based approach to healthy aging, underscoring New York’s leadership as the first age-friendly state in the nation. Lifetime Arts is offering a total of 6 hours of remote training via Zoom to 75 New York-based teaching artists as part of this initiative from Monday, Feb. 22 through Wednesday, Feb. 24. Participating teaching artists will receive a $50 stipend. In addition to covering Lifetime Arts’ Creative Aging Foundations course material, this 6-hour training will also examine and demonstrate andragogical approaches to the development of sequential, skill-building, socially supportive instruction. Teaching artists will gain an understanding of best practices in both in-person and remote program delivery.
Application Deadline:2021-02-21
Application Deadline:2021-02-21