Prophet aka Not4Prophet (Alano P. Baez), is a singer, mc, playwright, Director, actor, poet and teacher. As former lead singer of the band RICANSTRUCTION, emcee of group X-VANDALS, and current singer/mc/songwriter for ABRAZOS ARMY, Prophet has released several music albums independently. He is the author of “Last of the Po'Ricans Y Otros Afro Artifacts,” a collection of his poetry, a self released book of political poems entitled “Mini-Manual for the Modern Day Machetero: A Poetic Polemic,” and has produced four award winning plays (as Alano P. Baez). He also starred in, composed/performed the soundtrack, and co-wrote the feature-length film, MACHETERO. Prophet teaches "Self Expression = Self Determination" creative writing classes to homeless/houseless people in the Bronx, NY and conducts "From Hollas to Hip Hop" workshops at schools and universities, where he discusses (and demonstrates) the history of African derived music as a form of cultural resistance.