The "Welcome to Reality Tour” will consist of 5 Positive Hip Hop Musical Performances combined with empowering Motivational Speaking Engagements, & Educational Music Video Showcases in 5 schools/after school programs (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) in the Bronx, NY. The purpose of the tour is to encourage At" Risk Youth" to finish school and make responsible decisions to help prevent them from incurring spinal cord injuries due to violence. 4 Wheel City will use their music and inspirational stories to combat the tragic number of young people dropping out of school, ending up in wheelchairs, and falling victims to violence. Being left paralyzed and victims of senseless gun violence (in the Bronx) themselves when they were teens, 4 Wheel City’s story is an example of the dangerous reality of guns & violence. In addition, they also serve as role models to all especially the youth & disabled because they managed to finish school and still accomplishing their dreams despite their heartbreaking setbacks.