Sasha Reiter was born in New York City in 1996. They grew up in the Bronx, whereas the child of a Peruvian mother and Argentinian father, they experienced firsthand the metaphorical otherness of being both Latinx and Jewish. As a neurodivergent, queer, non-binary, trans woman of color, Sasha’s work aims to foster social change and community. They received their BA in English Literature and Creative Writing at Binghamton University (2018), and their MFA in Writing at Sarah Lawrence College (2021). They have published two books: ""Choreographed in Uniform Distress/Coreografiados en uniforme zozobra"" (New York: Artepoética Press, 2018); and ""Sensory Overload/Sobrecarga sensorial"" (New York: Nueva York Poetry Press, 2020).
They have translated into English two books: ""Dream of Insomnia/Sueño del insomnio,"" by Isaac Goldemberg (New York: Nueva York Poetry Press, 2021) and ""The Gaze/La Mirada,"" by Pedro Granados (New York: Artepoética Press, 2020).