Millennium Dance Company offers classes to children ages 2 to 18 years old. We also offer classes for adults in the spring. Millennium offers classes in Ballet, Jazz, Modern (graham-based), Contemporary, Tap, Hip Hop, Salsa, and African. The students enroll in classes that begin in September. Though we begin in September we have rolling registration, students can register until January. The dance year culminates with a huge recital that is held very professionally. The students learn choreography from each of their classes and perform them on that day for their family, friends, and community. They wear costumes ordered from the costume catalog and are on stage with professional lighting and sound. The recital is open to the public, this excludes but is not limited to family, friends, an all communities. The week of the recital entails 4 days of rehearsals in the theater so the students can get accustomed to the stage and lighting. Each instructor gets a certain amount of time to space their class and rehearse their dance on stage. The students also have to rehearse transitioning between performing, going to the dressing room to change costume, and returning to the stage to perform another dance.