Jorge A. Valdes (JAVA), born in 1956, is a Cuban American self-taught artist living in New York since 1992. His use of found objects & broken china traces back to his youth in Cuba as a resourceful solution to the scarcity of supplies. In 1992, JAVA moved to Miami where in reaction to the abundance, unwanted material became even more subjective and magical. He created a series of found object sculptures featured in Miami Beach. Leaving unclaimed whatever didn't sell, he rushed to NYC to complete his Masters in Education at Columbia University and immerse himself in the world of art. Recently, JAVA, was awarded the 2017 BRIO (the Bronx Recognizes Its Own) Award for excellence in 3D Sculpture by the Bronx Council on The Arts and currently works on his art from his South Bronx studio, while staying active with the public on community art projects and workshops.