Danielle Stelluto is a womanist, writer and multidimensional artist. Single mother of two blessed children. Lesbian. Boricua and Italian. Earned her AAS Degree in Digital Music Engineering at Hostos and more recently, earned her BA Degree in Community Organizing and Women’s & Gender Studies through CUNY.
Danielle entered into the spoken word scene, performing at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, Barrio Poetix, Capicu, and Celebration of Student Poets that took place at Hostos Community College. Attended workshops and open mics with Women Writers in Bloom Poetry Salon curated by JP Howard. Performed at Cafe con Libros, Hotel HR in Brooklyn, and Carnegie Hall. Curated by Nicole Shawan Junior. Currently, her creative non-fiction prose piece, Best Gift I Can Give My Kids and Single Parenting Through the Pandemic has been published in Mom Egg Review, a literary journal. She is a Women Writers in Bloom, Roots Wounds Words, and VONA Alum.