The music and Culture of Puerto is under increasing threat. Mostly ignored by Mass Media and government agencies, the Puerto Rican music and cultural expressions face an ever-growing challenge, not only to find spaces and funding to make their voices heard and reach the members of the Puerto Rican community in the area and the USA at large, but to simply survive. Ethnic and racial elements have also stigmatized members of our community, making it even more difficult for cultural events to take place and artists to be able to share their work. Activities like these are absolutely necessary to save and protect the Puerto Rican Heritage and Culture within the borders of of the USA, offering a safe space for people to participate in cultural celebrations. In doing so, they have a meaningful impact on the health and well-being of the whole community helping to assuage social stress levels. The Puerto Rican community continues to be particularly hard hit, as it watches in pain and frustration austerity measures being forced on their homeland amidst an energy crisis, where family and friends struggle to survive. It has also seen others who have had to migrate to survive, only to find themselves in a situation of social distancing and economic hardship adding to their sense of loneliness and despair, some of them settling in our neighborhoods with no way to connect. These hardships have deeply impacted the community, stopping many from seeing their loved ones on the Island as well as fracturing human ties this community in particular relies so much on. Now more than ever the community needs things to look forward to and spaces to come together, heal, and celebrate. Together. It is within this context that we have designed our events for the coming months.