Poets Network & Exchange, Inc. engages community, writers and poets with a variety of literary programming. Bronx Book Fair a.k.a. The Peoples Book Fair seeks to grow community and writer participation, collaboration, expand our reach and access to literary opportunity. We advocate for literacy, senior and women empowerment, social, health and environmental justice and equity.
Poets Network & Exchange, Inc. is a Bronx based 501 (c)3 tax exempt arts organization. We are committed to and have a vision for creating, presenting, producing, developing, providing and facilitating literary events and programming. We provide a welcoming, positive, supportive and creative space for community and writers at all levels. We have a history/herstory of producing literary rich events and programming. Included in these are our annual Bronx Book Fair, poetry and creative writing workshops, featured poetry and spoken word presentations, literary coaching, a lecture series and opportunities for community and artist engagement and collaboration.